Fix for WordPress SEO (by Yoast) bbPress breadcrumbs issue

By default wordpree-seo plugin disable bbPress default breadcrumbs.
When i open any topic page, I expected the plugin to do this:
Home > Forums > Parent Forum > Child Forum >Topic
Instead it did this:
Home > Topics > Child Forum > Topic
It gives “Topics” instead of “Forums” and drops the “Parent Forum” if “Parent Forum” is present
Following code snippet will enable bbPress default breadcrumbs and remove wordpress-seo plugin filter.
* Filter to call default bbPress breadcrumbs
add_filter( 'bbp_get_breadcrumb', 'myfix_bbp_get_breadcrumb', 1, 3 );
function myfix_bbp_get_breadcrumb($trail, $crumbs, $r){
// This will remove wordpress-seo filter to disable bbPress breadcrums by default
return $trail;
Thank you so much, the article is very good and useful for me and other readers, my site is better because this plugin is super fast.