Month: March 2014

Exporting all MySQL user privileges

Exporting all MySQL user privileges

To export all MySQL user privileges run following script. Note : Replace {host_name}, {user_name} and {password} with your values. mysql -h {host_name} -u {user_name} -p{password} -Ne “select distinct concat( \”SHOW GRANTS FOR ‘\”,user,\”‘@’\”,host,\”‘;\” ) from user;” mysql | mysql -h {host_name} -u {user_name} -p{password} | sed 

Automatic update of Child Theme to Parent Theme

Automatic update of Child Theme to Parent Theme

After automatic update of child theme to parent theme, During update we just update code of theme, but what about WordPress, WordPress still assuming current theme as child theme. When you activate child theme, there are mainly two site options template and stylesheet who store 

Enable Category/Tag support for WordPress Media files

Enable Category/Tag support for WordPress Media files

To enable category/tag support on WordPress Media, You have to register taxonomy for Media(attachment) by adding following code in theme function.php or in plugin file

register_taxonomy( 'media-category', 'attachment', $args );

Note : This will work with WordPress 3.5 or higher.

Check if session is started or not in php

Check if session is started or not in php

To avoid Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent warning which is caused by calling the session_start()function without checking if the session is already started or not. You can find following warning in error log file : Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie 

Get php class file path from class name – ReflectionClass

Get php class file path from class name – ReflectionClass

During development of common library for WordPress plugins and themes ( WordPress development helper library ), I just want to find from which plugin it is called ( I just want to debug the code, but I used in many plugins and i am not 

Add/Update Git Subtree

Add/Update Git Subtree

Recently I am working on WordPress development helper library, I add it as submodule in many of my plugins, but every time during clone i forgot to init and update submodule, and some time during pull code i forgot to update new submodule. So, Finally i decided to start use Git Subtree.

Following are the set of command that will required during development and working with subtree

Add git subtree in repo

git subtree add --prefix app/lib master --squash

Update git subtree in repo

git subtree pull --prefix app/lib master --squash

FYI: There are some pros and cons of subtree and submodule, You can find many article on it just google it 😉