Check if it is WooCommerce Page

Default WooCommerce function is_woocommerce
return true for only that pages which use WooCommerce templates. Cart, Checkout,My Account … etc page are standard pages with shortcodes so that are not checked by that function.
is wrapper of is_woocommerce
function and also check if the page is use woocommerce shortcode or not set in WooCommerce page setting.
* is_realy_woocommerce_page - Returns true if on a page which uses WooCommerce templates (cart and checkout are standard pages with shortcodes and which are also included)
* @access public
* @return bool
function is_realy_woocommerce_page () {
if( function_exists ( "is_woocommerce" ) && is_woocommerce()){
return true;
$woocommerce_keys = array ( "woocommerce_shop_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_terms_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_cart_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_checkout_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_pay_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_thanks_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_myaccount_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_edit_address_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_view_order_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_change_password_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_logout_page_id" ,
"woocommerce_lost_password_page_id" ) ;
foreach ( $woocommerce_keys as $wc_page_id ) {
if ( get_the_ID () == get_option ( $wc_page_id , 0 ) ) {
return true ;
return false;
Thankyou so much!!!
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for this. I ended up using a WordPress function is_page(‘page slug here’) which worked pretty well also, but this is a good alternative.
is_page(array(‘cart’, ‘checkout’))
Just what I needed, thanks.
Thanks a lot! Helped me set the customer header image across all WooCommerce pages.
Useful, thanks for this !