Month: February 2016

Writing modular JavaScript without polluting the global namespace

Writing modular JavaScript without polluting the global namespace

HTML5 a tag download Attribute

HTML5 a tag download Attribute

In HTML5, you can download file when clicking on the link instead of redirecting to the file. Read More :

A proper way to prepare IN Query in WordPress

A proper way to prepare IN Query in WordPress

global $wpdb;
if ( is_array( $ids ) ) {
$in_str_arr = array_fill( 0, count( $ids ), '%d' );
$in_str = join( ',', $in_str_arr );
$form_id_where = $wpdb->prepare( "ID IN ($in_str)", $ids );
} else {
$form_id_where = $ids> 0 ? $wpdb->prepare( 'ID=%d', $ids ) : '';

A good article on wp_kses Performance

A good article on wp_kses Performance