Tag: code

How to find the reason for a risky test in PHPUnit ?

How to find the reason for a risky test in PHPUnit ?

Recently I started phpUnit testing, and I found some of the test are flagging as risky. Most of the time I able figure bout reason but some time it very time consuming and also there isn’t any messages from PHPUnit.

WordPress 4.3 Changes in Template Hierarchy

WordPress 4.3 Changes in Template Hierarchy

New template file added In WordPress 4.3 relaease

The Importance of Escaping All The Things

The Importance of Escaping All The Things

User Avatar in buddyPress notification loop

User Avatar in buddyPress notification loop

To display user avatar in buddypress notification-loop (You can find it in members / single / notifications / notifications-loop.php ) Below snippet will return user id of that activity ( BuddyPress stored it as  secondary_item ) $bp = buddypress(); $user_id = $bp->notifications->query_loop->notification->secondary_item_id; To echo avatar from user id 

Loading IE Conditional Stylesheets in WordPress

Loading IE Conditional Stylesheets in WordPress

Most web developers are familiar with the IE conditional comments that allow you to load a stylesheet only in Internet Explorer. <!– [if lt IE 9]> <link href=”ie.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”> <![endif]–> Many new WordPress developers tend to just hardcode these conditional comments directly into their 

Automatic update of Child Theme to Parent Theme

Automatic update of Child Theme to Parent Theme

After automatic update of child theme to parent theme, During update we just update code of theme, but what about WordPress, WordPress still assuming current theme as child theme.

When you activate child theme, there are mainly two site options template and stylesheet who store parent theme and child theme slug. After updating you have to update that site option also (There are others relative options also).

Add following code into your theme function.php

if ( is_child_theme() && 'current-theme-slug' != get_template() ) {
    switch_theme( get_stylesheet() );
Enable Category/Tag support for WordPress Media files

Enable Category/Tag support for WordPress Media files

To enable category/tag support on WordPress Media, You have to register taxonomy for Media(attachment) by adding following code in theme function.php or in plugin file register_taxonomy( ‘media-category’, ‘attachment’, $args ); Note : This will work with WordPress 3.5 or higher.

Check if session is started or not in php

Check if session is started or not in php

To avoid Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent warning which is caused by calling the session_start()function without checking if the session is already started or not. You can find following warning in error log file : Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie 

Get php class file path from class name – ReflectionClass

Get php class file path from class name – ReflectionClass

During development of common library for WordPress plugins and themes ( WordPress development helper library ), I just want to find from which plugin it is called ( I just want to debug the code, but I used in many plugins and i am not able to track from which plugin it is actually loading ).

Then  I found about ReflectionClass,  reports information about a class.

You can read more detail about ReflectionClass from php.net.

Here is how to get file path from class name

$autoloader_reflector = new ReflectionClass("RT_WP_Autoload");
$class_file_nanme = $autoloader_reflector->getFileName();
echo dirname($class_file_nanme);

This is same as reflection api in java, There are some good reflection examples to get you started reflection api in java at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reflect/index.html

Generic autoloader for classes named in WordPress coding style

Generic autoloader for classes named in WordPress coding style

if ( ! class_exists( ‘RT_WP_Autoload’ ) ){ /** * Generic autoloader for classes named in WordPress coding style. */ class RT_WP_Autoload { /** * @var string Current directory absolute path */ public $dir; /** * @param string $dir optional, default value is current */ function 

PHP CodeSniffer – Coding standards

PHP CodeSniffer – Coding standards

PHP CodeSniffer scan PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. To install phpcs on ubuntu pear install PHP_CodeSniffer To list all installed coding standards phpcs -i I found great article on rtCamp site. you can read it